Chinmaya Vishwavidyapeeth (University) is launching a Certificate in Hindu Chaplaincy program on January 19, 2022, starting with two online courses. The program lasts for 8 months, and will require about 8 hours/week of classes and field work. This will earn a Certificate with graduate credits recognized by the US Assn of Professional Chaplains. Members who have a strong spiritual foundation and wish to provide compassionate spiritual care are encouraged to take this online Hindu Chaplaincy Program. It will give the initial preparation to serve the community as Hindu Chaplains, or Spiritual Care Providers, in meaningful and versatile ways. Hindu Spiritual Care Providers will be able to serve the Hindu community in hospitals, universities, congregations, the military, speak at Interfaith events, and more.
Those with interest or questions may email to CMW at
CVV Certificate:
Video by Swami Swaroopanandaji:
Certificate Flyer: