Gita Jayanti Celebrations on Dec 7th, 2024 from 9am to 1pm at Chinmaya Shivalaya, Brampton

Chinmaya Shivalaya 8832 The Gore Road, Brampton, Ontario, Canada

Join us for Gita Parayana (chanting the entire Bhagavad Gita) in observance of Gita Jayanti on Saturday, Dec 7th, 2024 from 9AM to 1PM at Chinmaya Shivalaya, 8832 The Gore Road, Brampton. For more information please contact : Geetha Kulkarni :905-713-54985 or Deeksha Shenoy 647-636-6505  

Monthly Hanuman Chalisa; First Saturday of every month 4:00 to 6:30 pm

Chinmaya Shivalaya 8832 The Gore Road, Brampton, Ontario, Canada

Chinmaya Mission Toronto welcomes all to Hanuman Chalisa Chanting First Saturday of every month from  4:00 to 6:30 pm For Sponsorship opportunities to celebrate Birthdays, anniversaries or any other milestones please contact Vinod Gandhi on 416 666 9141

Soulful Satsang with Brni. Akalkaji

Chinmaya Shivalaya 8832 The Gore Road, Brampton, Ontario, Canada

Let the poetry of the saints inspire your heart and guide your spirit towards greater wisdom and peace. Don’t miss this chance to be uplifted by Brni. Akalkaji’s guidance! Please plan to join us for a beautiful and enlightening satsang next Wednesday and Thursday night, as Brni. Akalkaji (from Chinmaya Mission New Jersey) shares her …

Soulful Satsang with Brni. Akalkaji

Chinmaya Shivalaya 8832 The Gore Road, Brampton, Ontario, Canada

Let the poetry of the saints inspire your heart and guide your spirit towards greater wisdom and peace. Don’t miss this chance to be uplifted by Brni. Akalkaji’s guidance! Please plan to join us for a beautiful and enlightening satsang next Wednesday and Thursday night, as Brni. Akalkaji (from Chinmaya Mission New Jersey) shares her …

Devi Social: Awaken Your Inner Divinity

Chinmaya Shivalaya 8832 The Gore Road, Brampton, Ontario, Canada

Join us on Jan 17th, 10AM-12PM, an empowering and soulful gathering led by the one and only Akalkaji at Chinamya Vedanta Heritage Center, 8832The Gore Road Awaken Your Inner Divinity with Akalkaji at Devi Social! Are you ready to connect with your higher self and unlock the divine within? This isn’t just an event; it’s …

Youth Workshop: Wealth or Spirituality?

Chinmaya Shivalaya 8832 The Gore Road, Brampton, Ontario, Canada

Discover the Balance with Brni.Akalkaji on Jan 18th from 4PM to 8PM Calling all young changemakers aged 18-35! Join us for an interactive youth workshop with the inspiring Brni. Akalkaji, where we’ll dive deep into the dynamic interplay between material success and spiritual fulfillment. This is your chance to gain clarity, connect with like-minded individuals, …

Monthly Hanuman Chalisa; First Saturday of every month 4:00 to 6:30 pm

Chinmaya Shivalaya 8832 The Gore Road, Brampton, Ontario, Canada

Chinmaya Mission Toronto welcomes all to Hanuman Chalisa Chanting First Saturday of every month from  4:00 to 6:30 pm For Sponsorship opportunities to celebrate Birthdays, anniversaries or any other milestones please contact Vinod Gandhi on 416 666 9141