National CHYK Retreat 2024 with Swami Swaroopananda Ji at Krishnalaya, Sept 19th- Sep 22nd 2024

Please join us for the unique opportunity to reflect with discourses, connect with CHYKs (ages 18-35) across the country, and engage in satsang with Pujya Swami SwaroopanandaJi, along with Brni. Shubhani Chaitanya, Br. Soham Chaitanya, and Br. Hari Chaitanya.

At this retreat, attendees will also have the opportunity to:

Begin their day with Yoga, japa/meditation, and a nature walk in the tranquil surroundings of Krishnalaya ashram.
Engage in interactive workshops and group discussions.
Spend time in Pujya Gurudev’s kutia and Chinmaya Jeevan Darshan
Join a panel discussion with the Brahmacharins.
Explore the Richardson Grove, where they can hike among redwood trees that are over 1,000 years old and taller than 300 feet.
Take part in a soothing and spiritually uplifting Gayatri homam.

Register before August 3rd to receive the early bird discounted rate!

Registration is now open at

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