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Hari Om! The Chinmaya Bala Vihar program is a structured curriculum in Hinduism, preparing one for school and life. It instills values, along with the heroism to live up to them, and provides a platform for families to make life-long friendships with like-minded families. The program runs parallel to the school year, from September 10 …
Continue reading "Bala Vihar 2023-24 Registration Ongoing for 3 Locations!"
Bala Vihar is a group of children, meeting once a week for two hours, for the sole purpose of learning our culture, spiritual wisdom, and related values through stories, games, quizzes, crafts, bhajans, hymns, shlokas, skits, dances, etc. Additional activities that our children enjoy include cultural shows, Geeta-chanting competitions, sleepovers and day camps. For registration …